Friday, July 1, 2016

6 Months

We've been blessed with another great month with our sweet, giggly, ticklish babies. All I can say is how blessed I feel to call them mine...blessed in the good, blessed in the stress, blessed to have T as a partner. I've had the pleasure through this journey to meet other triplet moms and many of them aren't able to hold all three of their babies, not everyone is still here with them. I can't imagine and I am so thankful to have my three healthy, happy and whole. 

I finished up my last few weeks of school and am off for the summer. WOOHOO! I did go in for some curriculum planning though, and Maggie decided she needed me that she helped plan too! 
Or maybe she distracted us... I can't really say.  

That babies were introduced to the lake. Sawyer and Maggie we're loving life, but Hank was in a bad mood to begin win, so a foreign body of water was not what his idea of fun was in that moment.
Travis and I recently got to go on a mini stay cation to Richmond which was GREAT! I missed the babies, but I loved feeling the relaxation that I forgot came with not having the care of three infants on your mind at all times.  

The babies are really starting to notice and interact with each other, which is super adorable. Hank and Sawyer are quite the tellers and talkers. Maggie will in her soft little voice tell you what's up though!
Maggie and Hank holding hands.

Everyone is teething. Ick.

We go this next week to get weight updates which I will post! And then we will get cleared for trying food hopefully! Everyone is looking pretty interested in what me and T are putting in our mouths.


We can't wait to see how big these babies are and enjoy the next month together as a family. Thanks for being our village.