Thursday, September 22, 2016

8 Months

School has started. The beginning of crawling has started. Sitting has started. A new nephew was born.
This time of year has always meant beginnings for me. I've been in a school either as a student or teacher basically my whole life. September means new and also busy. As a new mother I'm realizing that the busy-ness of life is trying to take the precious moments of my babies lives from me...but I won't let it. I'm clinging to the wake ups, the feeding, the giggling, the tickling, the newly thrown fits and teething, and of course to Jesus...cuz Lord knows where we'd be without Him at this point! This month of perpetual hello's also had a goodbye as well. It doesn't quite seem real yet, us being in different states and all, but my Grandma passed on after a long battle with Alzheimer's. I'm just so glad she got to meet the babes! Love you Gran Gran.

The babies go for a 9 month check up at the end of this month...CRAZY- I will write a quick update with the new weights after!

She is full of smiles and giggles that say tee-hee. She wants to talk and tell you Mamamama all day long. This little girl and her thunder thighs keeps us on our toes for sure. She loves yogurt, sitting up, stealing her brothers binkies and toys, and books with babies in them.

This little boy started OT this month to help him reach his milestones. He's got some tight muscles so he gets a massage 3 times a day (I wanna know where my three massages a day are!!!). He's already starting to react well to this and is sitting up and really making progress crawling. Hank loves any food that you put near his mouth, Mom's hair, watching his siblings laugh, a piano toy from Nana and being tickled.

This guy...he is a MESS. His personality is unstoppable. He basically tries to bear crawl instead of just regular crawl. This kid. He's started sitting pretty well and will talk your ear off if you give him the chance. He loves FOOD, mom's breast pump tubes, tags, squealing, peekaboo, and Roomba.

That's all for now! Thanks for keeping up with our journey! Next month brings exciting fall fun for the trio! Love to all!