Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 21 Update: Prayers Please!

Week 21...WOW what a busy week!  2 doctor appointments, 2 soccer game duties at good ol' school, a pile of paperwork and a Hokie football game...all with three babies in tow!  (I imagine it's way easier to carry them how I'm carrying them now, than when they make their final escape and are running wild and free in this world!)
 I just can't believe 5 months has gone by like that.  The weird time paradigm that makes children grow up so quickly must already be in effect.

Wild was the word used to describe our twin boys this week at Dr. Dhillon's office!  She said, "Oh Ms. Dye, you are going to have some WILD boys."  They are quite the wigglers in there.  It really feels like a three ring circus for parts of the day. All their moving and shaking makes it all that much more real and terrifying exciting!  Beyond their wiggling there was an all over good report on Thursday.  Baby Girl A (AKA Miss Piggy) is weighing in at 14oz., Baby Boy B is 12oz., and Baby C is 13 oz.  They said that their weight was normal and on track.  The ultrasound tech found something she mentioned to Dr. D that day, but then it wasn't picked up again (more on this part of the update and how you can pray in  a moment).  I left Thursday happy as a clam (weird American saying)!

Then the next day I went to my OBGYN and another good report with measurements blood pressure and all the other junk they test.  I was told that I was a poster child for a healthy pregnancy (sounds weird right?) and to keep on keepin' on.

SCREEEECH.  Put on the brakes!  While I was at the OBGYN I got a call from Dr. Dhillon's office. ( Never a good feeling getting a call from a doctor you just saw and scheduled an appointment in 2 weeks for.)  Now those of you who have been following our journey you know that there was a need to watch for Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome which can occur in the type of twins we have (they share a blood supply) She expressed concern for Baby Boy B.  She said that she had been reviewing my case and the pictures that the tech took (first of all AWESOME care, feelin' the Dr. D love)  and she has some concerns.  She noticed that Baby Boy B's stomach was a little smaller and that they were noticing some pictures that might indicate an issue with his cord.


Number 1:  I have to go back Monday to allow them to poke and prod Baby Boy B some more.

Number 2: I need your prayers and best wishes for Baby Boy B, that everything is ok and that they don't see anything wrong!  Pray for his blood supply and nutrition!

Number 3:  Pray that we take any news given on Monday in stride and with the outlook of trust and hope.

Number 4: Pray that my good health continues.

Thanks for your continued support and love for us and these WILD boys and sweet little girl!

Now for the best part...



  1. Praying for all 3, plus momma and daddy! I admire your perspective of all things and the specific requests you have for prayer. Shows God is making you into a mama of wisdom already.
