Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 26: Thankful

On Thanksgiving Eve the Dye conglomerate is feeling sappy and truly, truly thankful.  So here goes my list (I LOVE LISTS)  of things we are thankful for!

1.  A great report from Dr. D last week about Baby Boy B (John Henry "Hank").  She said that it looks like my placenta is basically 'auto-correcting' itself the further along I get.  She said she's not worried about him anymore, as long as he keeps up with the growth!  Praise God!  We are so thankful for your prayers and positive thoughts.

2.  I don't have ANY doctors appointments this week! How crazy is that!?!

3.  I passed my glucose test! What, WHAT! Somebody pass the pumpkin pie!

4.  The generosity of our friends, family and co-workers through the showers and through donations of clothes, diapers, things for the nursery, and everything else these babies could need! It has truly humbled us to think how many people love these triplets already!

5.  I get 5 days off from school for some much needed cleaning, nesting and rest.

6.  I am still cooking 3 little babies!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! We love you all!
Week 26 and counting!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 23: Measuring, Pictures, and Steroids...OH MY!

Welp. Here we are in week 23 of life for the babes!  SO crazy to think that these little beings have taken up residence in my body for  close to 6 months (this Sunday) now!  Well, they are certainly making themselves right at home.  'Don't mind us as we do flips and karate kick each other (and you and your insides)'!!!!  It's really an indescribable feeling having these lives inside of you...and the whole thing becomes even more real and FREAKY  and awe inspiring!  Every momma who has carried there child knows what I'm talkin' bout!

SO anyways...

We went back this week for the whole scan and check and measurements thing... which let me tell you, takes FOREVER! You lay there for about 2 hours, while they are measured (or try to be measured, because they are more interested in showing off their flying aerial circus skills at the time), aching and sweating (AC is not a thing in the back rooms), and seeing your babies, and hoping beyond hope that everything is consistent and not a problem.

Drumroll please....

Baby Girl A is measuring at 1 lb 3oz
Baby Boy B is measuring at 1lb 1 oz
Baby Boy C is measuring at 1lb 5 oz

Dr. Dhillon still says twin to twin transfusion is not present yet in the boys (YAY), and that all babies are measuring at what they should be.  Our boy B is about a week behind in growth, but she says she feels ok with it as long as he keeps progressing and growing and doesn't lag anymore behind.  Baby B is still dealing with Intermittent AEDF, but it has not moved into a persistent condition (YAY). I also started my first dose of steroids last night.  I will have one more round in a couple weeks as well, just in case they decide to come earlier than needed, their lung function will be much better than babies who are "unprepared" for pre-term birth!

-Beginnings of community here in VA (talking 'bout work and outside of my awesome built in family through Travis)
-My mom and grandma are coming up for my shower this weekend!!!
-They are all growing!
-My cervix is still beautiful :)

Prayers Please!
-Continue to pray for our boy B and his blood flow and growth
-I have "a lot of baby" in me - so symptoms I should have later in pregnancy I'm starting to have now (swollen feet, fatigue, etc)
-Baby girl still has a "bright" spot on her heart, just continue to pray it is nothing!

 (I had no idea they could roughly 3D them for us! It was the best surprise!!!)

She didn't want to be cooperative!
All that stuff in front is just them with their faces snuggled up to the placenta.

Little nose, lips, chin and cheeks!