Our new weights!
Maggie 6lb 0.8oz
5lb 0.2oz
He is still dealing with some bad reflux , but it has gotten a little better. He's still growing so that's great! He looks more and more like his bro as he gets a little fat on him!
5lb 7oz
This little squishy 's hernia is getting better, thank God! We are still monitoring it, but no surgery consult yet!! Pray it continues to heal!
At the Doctors office they were all laying next to each other awake. Maggie and Sawyer were having a good time hanging out, making eye contact, and putting their hands in each other's faces. Maggie was either trying to feed or smother Sawyer and Sawyer took this opportunity to try and eat her hand. To which she replied with pursed lips and concerned eyes. I loved seeing them interact! Most of the time they are asleep by the time the next one takes their turn. Today was a glimpse into the fun future these babes are going to have together. I can't imagine getting to grow up with two other little people my same age! My hopes are that they are the best of friends and each other's best companions and playmates.
I hope we can foster that love for each other at a young age..how you do that, I don't quite know, but this journey is one that we learn as we go!
Look at Maggie's hair!! Looks red to me!!!! How we wound up with a litter of ginger kids is beyond me!
Thanks again everyone for your continued support.
Our village cooks REALLLLY well! Love you all!