Friday, February 19, 2016

We're So Big!

We went to our weekly weigh in. Last week's weigh in was disappointing, not much gain...but this week...they packed it on!

Our new weights!
Maggie 6lb 0.8oz
Wearing her jeans and boots. So stylish!


5lb 0.2oz
He is still dealing with some bad reflux , but it has gotten a little better. He's still growing so that's great! He looks more and more like his bro as he gets a little fat on him!

5lb 7oz
This little squishy 's hernia is getting better, thank God! We are still monitoring it, but no surgery consult yet!! Pray it continues to heal!

At the Doctors office they were all laying next to each other awake. Maggie and Sawyer were having a good time hanging out,  making eye contact, and putting their hands in each other's faces. Maggie was either trying to feed or smother Sawyer and Sawyer took this opportunity to try and eat her hand. To which she replied with pursed lips and concerned eyes. I loved seeing them interact! Most of the time they are asleep by the time the next one takes their turn. Today was a glimpse into the fun future these babes are going to have together. I can't imagine getting to grow up with two other little people my same age! My hopes are that they are the best of friends and each other's best companions and playmates.

I hope we can foster that love for each other at a young you do that, I don't quite know, but this journey is one that we learn as we go! 

Hank, Sawyer and Maggie at the doctors

Look at Maggie's hair!! Looks red to me!!!! How we wound up with a litter of ginger kids is beyond me!

Thanks again everyone for your continued support. 

Our village cooks REALLLLY well! Love you all!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tips for Thriving with Triplets

I desperately googled for this type of blog post while pregnant. I wanted to read and see how people did did they survive?! Well I'm here to tell you, you not only can survive, you can thrive! I never found it, so here are this new triplet mommas tips  for any desperate googlers out there.

1. Set the baby(ies) you leave behind up for success.

What I mean by this is there will come a time where one or two or three babies will need you (and show this need by screaming) at one time and you will be alone... Daunting and scary at first, but you figure it out, and once you do you set up the babies who have chilled the heck out for success in not freaking out again (I know really professional and technical terms used here).  This might look like making sure the baby has their binkie and it is in a position it won't easily come out. Swaddled, close to where you will be holding the other one or two, shushed and repositioned etc. If they don't get set up for success they are a ticking time bomb.

2. Learn how to wear your baby.

I can't tell you how invaluable this tool is for calming an angry baby or two as well as letting you be hands free to feed another, or do one of the thousand tasks needing to be done so everyone can live comfortably for another hour or so.  If you don't know how to wrap/don't have an amazing baby wearing educator best friend like I do...find your local baby wearing group, watch YouTube, join some Facevook must do this!

3. Accept help.

This took me a hot minute to understand. Yes, I am perfectly capable of taking care of my three cherubs, as is T, BUT there is a point where you can do it but you are exhausted and just need a second. People want to help, sometimes people say it just to say it (and that's ok, they don't know what else to say!), those who genuinely do will be there and it will refresh you and your spouse in ways I can't even explain. An hour nap or being able to do something in the house or run an errand is heavenly, let. people. help. You.

4. Stick to your schedule

They come home from the NICU on a great schedule. No need to rebuild a brand new house, so stick to it. Make it work for you, but use those good bones! It will make life much simpler and give you a sense of calm in the sometimes chaotic life of a triplet parent.

5. Don't hate on yourself if you don't meet one of your expectations.

Just because when you thought you were having one baby you thought you could cloth diaper, or when you brought them home you thought they would only have breast milk, and that changes...that doesn't mean you are a failure or that parenting isn't your thing. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't make things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things a hill to die on. Go with the flow, love your babies, love your partner and live in the moment with your three sweet babies.  


Hank ready for snow

Maggie and Me

T and the boys

Monday, February 8, 2016

6 Weeks Old

We have been in the world for 6 weeks now! It's been a long, hard haul of a week with the these littles. A week full of them getting used to us, us getting used to them and getting used to having someone who is completely dependent on us 24/7. Between reflux, the ongoing binky war (why can't binkies just stay in?!), an ER visit and hospital stay for Hank and the lack of sleep for every one could say we are  getting jumped into this parenting thing pretty darn hard. My motherhood journey thus far has been sweet and fulfilling but also bittersweet and raw in moments.  Those raw moments I see ugly bits of myself that still need to be squashed out. Someone once told T and I, 'become a parents, and you will see just how selfish you really are.'  How very true. 
I've cried like a baby, laughed hard, and slept light. Motherhood thus far has been a fulfilling, refining and burning fire.

The babes are doing well. Hank and Sawyer are dealing with major reflux. Sawyer has a hernia that they are watching, and his kidney ultrasound looked fine. Prayers appreciated for all of that! The boys are looking more and more alike the bigger they get! Pray they gain more, their growth slowed a little, but the pediatrician isn't concerned. 
Maggie is a cutie and loves to eat! 
Her weight is 5lb 15oz

Hank weighed 4lb 9oz

Sawyer weighed 4lb 15oz

We again are so thankful for your continued prayers and support...and your food! Holy cow our village can cook!!!! We love you guys!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Home is Where the...Triplets Are!

I'm writing to you at 1 am listening to baby grunts and squeaks. What an amazing and fulfilling feeling to have them home and fully ours. Motherhood had made my heart sing. Seeing the father Travis is to these precious babies is a beautiful thing to behold as well. Travis and I and the village that has surrounded us from the beginning of this journey are rising to the occasion and loving life, a new tired life, but a great one!

We went to the eye doctor for Maggie today! Everything is normal! Woohoo! 

Sawyer and Hank visited the Dr today for their first checkup! They are both gaining weight, but are having some bad reflux. They are going to be put on baby Zantax, because in preemies bad reflux can cause some bad things that could be prevented. Hank was perfect (Maggie's checkup last week was perfect as well).  Sawyer on the other hand, my child who obviously loves making me worry from the beginning, has a small hernia.  They are going to keep an eye on it (as are we) and they will evaluate at next week's growth visit whether or not he needs a surgery consult. Prayers that it resolves itself (which is a possibility).  Well babies are calling, literally! Thanks for all the continued support, we couldn't do this without ya'll!