Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tips for Thriving with Triplets

I desperately googled for this type of blog post while pregnant. I wanted to read and see how people did did they survive?! Well I'm here to tell you, you not only can survive, you can thrive! I never found it, so here are this new triplet mommas tips  for any desperate googlers out there.

1. Set the baby(ies) you leave behind up for success.

What I mean by this is there will come a time where one or two or three babies will need you (and show this need by screaming) at one time and you will be alone... Daunting and scary at first, but you figure it out, and once you do you set up the babies who have chilled the heck out for success in not freaking out again (I know really professional and technical terms used here).  This might look like making sure the baby has their binkie and it is in a position it won't easily come out. Swaddled, close to where you will be holding the other one or two, shushed and repositioned etc. If they don't get set up for success they are a ticking time bomb.

2. Learn how to wear your baby.

I can't tell you how invaluable this tool is for calming an angry baby or two as well as letting you be hands free to feed another, or do one of the thousand tasks needing to be done so everyone can live comfortably for another hour or so.  If you don't know how to wrap/don't have an amazing baby wearing educator best friend like I do...find your local baby wearing group, watch YouTube, join some Facevook must do this!

3. Accept help.

This took me a hot minute to understand. Yes, I am perfectly capable of taking care of my three cherubs, as is T, BUT there is a point where you can do it but you are exhausted and just need a second. People want to help, sometimes people say it just to say it (and that's ok, they don't know what else to say!), those who genuinely do will be there and it will refresh you and your spouse in ways I can't even explain. An hour nap or being able to do something in the house or run an errand is heavenly, let. people. help. You.

4. Stick to your schedule

They come home from the NICU on a great schedule. No need to rebuild a brand new house, so stick to it. Make it work for you, but use those good bones! It will make life much simpler and give you a sense of calm in the sometimes chaotic life of a triplet parent.

5. Don't hate on yourself if you don't meet one of your expectations.

Just because when you thought you were having one baby you thought you could cloth diaper, or when you brought them home you thought they would only have breast milk, and that changes...that doesn't mean you are a failure or that parenting isn't your thing. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't make things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things a hill to die on. Go with the flow, love your babies, love your partner and live in the moment with your three sweet babies.  


Hank ready for snow

Maggie and Me

T and the boys


  1. So impressed by you, Nikki! You are DOING THIS THING! :)

  2. Way to go Nikki! You are regularly in my prayers! (a.k.a. every time I read your blog I pray for you, so keep sending those posts out there!)
