The doctor said she was so surprised that they are acting as mature as they are, given their gestational age. They are old souls already.
She is still on her nasal cannula. They took her off for half a day, but she needed it back. They say a few more days should allow her to grow the lung tissue she is obviously lacking at this point. Pray for her lungs to help provide her with the oxygen she needs!
She was put in an open crib now, which means she is able to regulate her own body temp. She is taking a few feeds a day now with the bottle only! Woohoo go Maggie!!
He is such a little scrapper! Always ready to eat and poop and pee all over! He is taking some of his feeds by bottle as well. He's doing great! Growing and growing! We are excited to hear his new weight tomorrow!
Tomorrow is his last day of antibiotics and he is doing awesome! He will get his picc line taken out shortly after. One less piece of hardware to juggle! They said hey are going to try him out in an open crib tonight as well to see how he does. He's taking feeds in the bottle well too.
We sure do love these babies!
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