They were all born on December 31, 2015 at 31 weeks and 4 days.
Maggie was born at 1:41 pm
John Henry at 1:42 pm
Sawyer at 1:44 pm
(I'll get accurate birth weights and inches and put them up next update)
We are all doing well under the circumstances of preemie birth and birth in general. It's hard on your body! I was so naive at first, thinking 'I won't need these pain meds'! Never in my life did I think I would be begging for them after my dumb that's good now that my pain is manageable. The only way I can describe c-section pain is that it feels like a lightsaber (yes, a lightsaber) is being held to part of my skin and just burning me constantly (we won't even go there to describe how it feels to get up).
I did too much yesterday. And I paid for it by the end of the day. But it was worth getting to see my babies more, change a nasty diaper for Sawyer, comfort them, clean their mouths and just see them. I just want to be near them all the time, and I feel guilty if I can't be. T is struggling with that same guilt, but he was(is) so tired from the pumping schedule and the all night hospital care that he and I just needed to sleep last night.
Yesterday I got to hold Sawyer. It was the most amazing moment(hour). He was not happy to get pulled out of his little nest, but as soon as he heard Momma/smelled Momma/heard my heart beat he immediately calmed and melted into me. It was like we were becoming one big bundle again. A moment unlike any other in my life. T got to hold Hank and boy was he happy ( he meaning Dad and Hank). Hank did so well and it was an amazing thing to see T as a Dad. T has been so good, going in the NICU, involving himself in their care. We both feel a little disconnected from our babies and we are both fighting for the connection I think.
It is almost kind of painful to stay in the Mother and Baby area of the hospital. You hear a baby next door snuggled in with Mom or start to cry and you just want your baby (babies) there. They will be soon enough, I know...just keepin' it real folks.
At any rate here are some updates on our kids!
-They are beautiful, hard to see them with their masks on, but Hank and Sawyer really are identical!
-They are all healthy!
-They are all pooping and peeing!
-They are all breathing and didn't have to be intubated...they are just on a CPAP machine. Pray they start using less and less oxygen help!
-Pray against jaundice. Our little girl is under the bililights and has her stunna shades on, which is why we haven't gotten to hold her yet. Pray we get some skin to skin with Maggie soon, and that her brothers don't jaundice!
-They are eating through their tummy tube. Pray that my breast milk comes quickly so that they can have that! Also pray they keep it all down!
Thank you for your prayers, concerns and love. We are trying our best to keep you updated and feeling like you are a part of this. If we slack a little please understand it's not you it's me!
Thanks to all of our visitors! We love you guys and are so happy we get to share our joy with you!
Also, shout out to our friends who have done our disgusting dishes, taken the trash, organized clothes and gone on errands for us, so we can focus on being this new family. We love you guys and the triDye are pretty excited to snuggle you once that is a possibility!
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