Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 11

IThe NICU has a lot in common with being in a casino. No windows. There are lots of beeps and lights flashing. You leave with less money than you had. You lose track of any sense of time, and by the time you leave the day is over and you're surprised!

Today has been another busy and good day here in the NICU. Everyone has either tried from a bottle or boob today and did really well! They are such smart little munchkins already. T didn't get to see them yesterday, he was feeling a little under the weather (I blame late night Taco Bell and not being in college anymore) and didn't want to risk it. It was hard for him to not be able to see them, but he will be here today after work! Pray against sickness for us! 

Still on nasal cannula. Little miss likes that flow of air. Every time they reduce it her oxygen saturation dips and they raise her back up. Pray she is able to start to hold her own without the flow of room air helping her. 
Otherwise she's doing great! Took 13ml with a bottle today and was a trooper. Her little hiccups are the cutest thing. Funny thing is, she always had the hiccups in utero, so not surprising she's a hiccuper.

He really wanted to breastfeed today and 
he rocked!
He didn't gain anything last night so they upped his feeds again today. They usually try to go slow upping feed amounts with babies who were growth restricted, but he has declared HE'S HUNGRY!!!

His 2nd blood culture came back negative for bacteria. WOOHOO! He has 5 more days of antibiotics.
He also was into breastfeeding today and did great!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. A friend of mine from work made a gofundme page for us and we are continually overwhelmed by the generosity and love of our community. So many of you have sent gifts, brought frozen meals, totes me to the hospital, sent well wishes, and monetary support for these little people and we and the triplets are so lucky to have you in our lives and our "village".

1 comment:

  1. Continued prayers for all! Hang in there mommy and daddy Dye!
