Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 3

Well I am officially discharged from the hospital, but we are staying on to board near the babies for three days. T is being so great. I didn't think I could love him more than I already did, but boy kids do something extra to the heart! The boys are doing great. We sat in on the meeting this morning with the doctors and heard that they are already making good gains. Pray for little Maggie's bilirubin levels. They aren't going down like they want, so they are giving more phototherapy. The doctor said we are going to see how that changes the levels and we will reassess tomorrow morning. She is doing well though and I think she looks like me as a baby!
We have gotten to be more and more involved in their care and we are loving it. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I'm still trying to recover and manage pain and pump! Pray my supply comes in soon! We see more and more supply every time I pump. It's pretty amazing how God has designed our bodies! 


Fuss bucket Maggie!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am happy to hear that you and your family are doing well. God has really blessed you with 3 BEAUTIFUL BABIES! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Shannon Shiflett-BMS
