Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Trips are Famous/Great Expectations

This week/ weekend has been an absolute whirlwind. I apologize for my updates every other day saying the date of their arrival has changed...promise it wasn't my doing!

The final date that has been landed on is back to the original post of Tuesday, January 5 (unless of course I go in tomorrow and Dr. D says they need out NOW).

Me and T will get to the hospital at 5:30 am Tuesday to check early! The surgery is set for 7:30, and then we will have babies. I have no real expectations past the point of the surgeons will take all my insides out, show me my babies briefly and then whisk everyone off to the NICU. T is going to be in tow with our three munchkins and I'll be getting put back together (in my mind it's something like when the Scarecrow in the Wizard of OZ gets all his stuffing put back in).

They have told me it will take about 4 hours for me to be well enough to go see them (I have to be able to sit up in a wheelchair). That's about all I know/am expecting/ am scared for/am looking forward to.  I am quickly running out of real estate for these three kids, and I am quickly getting tired of being a punching bag for them! 

Also, Cathy Dyson of the Free Lance Star (our local paper) did a really cool article on the triplets. Here is a link below:

Monday, December 28, 2015

Some BIG News

Well first of all, Merry Christmas!

Second, the biopsy I had came back benign. WOOHOO!

Third, the BIG news!

We went and saw Dr. D today to see their growth and check in on the munchkins.  My parents got to come along to see an ultrasound which was fun! Since they live in TN they haven't gotten to see the triDye in all their glory!

Dr. D looked at them today and has now declared that John Henry is growth restricted and Sawyer's weight is dropping off as well.  The placenta just can't support their growth anymore.  My dad likened it to two people sharing milkshake with only one straw.  SOOOOO since they are not making the growth percentiles now the date has been moved up for delivery... We also have to go back Thursday to check on them one last time... If Dr. D finds something she doesn't like then, we will go to Labor and Delivery that day.

BUT if all goes fine Thursday we are going to go in to the OR for delivery on Tuesday, January 5, 2016.   They will be born at 32 weeks and 2 days. (Which according to Dr. D and literature 32 week old multiples function like 35 week old singleton babies)

She assures me everyone is healthy, the risks just outweigh the benefits at this point.

We sure are excited to see these babies, they are just having to make their debut a little quicker than expected, which is a little nerve wracking, panic inducing, and scary for this soon to be momma!  Pretty crazy that the next blog update will probably be from the hospital.

Your prayers are appreciated as always!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Hard, the Easy and the In Between

 (Also most of this was written Monday, but I hadn't posted until now)

Now that you have been adequately warned...This is the time when I start feeling like a wuss.  Honestly, I prided myself on all I could do, how well the doctors said I am doing, the amount I was still able to get done carrying around these three babies for a little over 7 months... Pride comes before the fall people.  Well, not exactly a fall, more like a crushing, breaking feeling coming from inside my body.  If I had felt this way for weeks before this time, I would have been begging to be put on bed rest.

It's no easy feat to describe what my body is feeling, but I'm bound and determined to somehow get these feelings understood and published.  I'm sure every pregnant lady has felt all of these things, but this is new to me.  Every pregnancy is painful and hard as it gets closer to the babies arrival, I get that.  There is just so much baby, and every baby has their own agenda...and most of their agendas seem to include crowding vital organs, keeping me from breathing,  keeping me from sleeping and making me walk slower than a hip surgery patient.  I'm basically a zombie extra from the Walking Dead at this point in the week, undead-ing (totally a word) around the halls of school, trying to cram a little bit more knowledge into my kids heads and not fall asleep at my desk.

So here are my major complaints to the person who thought allowing the human body to carry triplets would be super fun (humor me and come to my pity party, I'll let you cook for me!):
-Stomach cramping
-Can't breathe
-Can't eat a bunch at once-but I'm starving the moment after I fit what I can in what used to be my stomach
-Normal motion is out of the question
-Eat too much get massive heartburn/reflux -real cute
- Stabbing pains from all over the inside of my stomach
-Itching, burning from skin stretching
-All joints are shot at this point
- Can't sleep comfortably for more than 2 hours at a time

Ok, I'll stop now.

In a sweet moment I know was from above Monday, one of my sweet students put her hand on my belly and just then Hank kicked her.  She started yelling, "SE MUEVEN, SE MUEVEN! (They're moving!)  which in turn caused half of my class to come running from all corners of the room as they were supposed to be working to marvel at this gift.  When you see middle schoolers who try to not care about anything uncool tearing up  because you are carrying the gift of life with you everywhere you go and they were able to experience it for a moment, you can't help but feel blessed.
(Time to edit and redo this whole part of the blog I wrote Monday)

So  here's what happened this week:

Monday I had a mammogram, they found something they wanted to check out...Well they were concerned with the mammogram and I get to go have a biopsy Monday and the results on Wednesday.  Prayers for a benign mass appreciated!

Thursday I went to see Dr. D for our 2 week growth check.  We have Maggie and Sawyer weighing in at 2lb 14 oz. Hank weighed in at 2lb 5 oz.  They are all growing yay! BUT, Hank is starting to slow and his little belly isn't expanding like they want.  She also explained that she felt the best option for Hank would be to deliver all of them at 34 weeks.  It is a risk vs. benefit call. She told me to think about what was happening with our Hanks' oxygen level.  Basically what's happening to him is if you walked around all day breathing normally but every tenth breath you took, someone closed your mouth and nose and didn't let you breathe would you feel at the the end of a day? A month? Not so good.  So basically to make sure there will be no adverse effects for his brain outside of the womb it will be better to take them all at 34 weeks (which is full term for triplets).


The plan is the babies will be here the week of January 18th!

  • Pray for good results of the biopsy.
  • Pray that Trav and I have another great year of marriage!
  • Pray for Hank's oxygen level and a protected brain
  • Pray the babies grow a bunch before they have to make their appearance in 4 weeks (so crazy!!!)

Daunting and crazy and overwhelming...  BUT I am lucky I have a hope and a trust that though there may be hard times ahead my God is always with me, and sometimes His presence just has to be enough.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week 28: Mini-van Mom? and Name Announcements!

It was a hard week this week battling sickness, exhaustion, etc...BUT we made it.  All in one piece, and moving forward to the next week of life!

We are back to weekly visits with Dr. D.  Baby boy B's cord is back to skipping a few beats and that just needs to be monitored.  Good news though! He grew!!! They all grew!! (and boy do I know it).

And here are the stats as of now:

Baby A: 2 lb 5 oz
Baby B: 1 lb 13 oz
Baby C: 2 lb 4 oz

Keep praying for our boy B to keep growing and putting on the pounds. Even though he is small, he is mighty! He is the constant wiggle worm in my belly!

My surprised face to see how big my belly is!
  Pray that I can keep them all cooking as long as possible, and I can keep working as long as possible! At this point I'm honestly just trying to make it to Christmas break in 2 weeks without falling asleep somewhere of consequence (I think I can, I think I can).

Now to put some names to those sweet adorable letters they were assigned!

Baby A = Magnolia "Maggie"  Frioux Dye
-An homage to our time in New Orleans (magnolia trees are just special to me) and Trav's Cajun ancestry.  Frioux is his grandmother's maiden name.  PLUS: Maggie is the name of my sweet roommate and dear friend from college!

Baby B = John Henry "Hank" Dye
-John Henry was Trav's Grandaddy's name and Hank is my father's middle name

Baby C = Sawyer Crase Dye
-Sawyer ('cuz it's a kick butt name) and Crase is my maiden name

SO there you have it, the roll call of the Dye clan and the reasons behind their names.


This weekend we also ventured further into the uncharted parenthood of triplets...

The Stang had to go.

My first and only car I've ever driven.  I might have teared up   been a little emotional, but I was ready for a change.  I didn't really ever anticipate being a mini-van mom.  I'd always envisioned a cute little SUV yah know...BUT life leads you some crazy places!  Travis really did a great job finding and researching what would be great for our family (and budget) and I have to say he did a great job! I'm liking the new wheels!

I present to you, for your viewing pleasure THE SWAGGER WAGON!
Shout out to the Carmax peeps for being well just AWESOME!

Thanks for everyone's support, love and prayers. We love you all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 26: Thankful

On Thanksgiving Eve the Dye conglomerate is feeling sappy and truly, truly thankful.  So here goes my list (I LOVE LISTS)  of things we are thankful for!

1.  A great report from Dr. D last week about Baby Boy B (John Henry "Hank").  She said that it looks like my placenta is basically 'auto-correcting' itself the further along I get.  She said she's not worried about him anymore, as long as he keeps up with the growth!  Praise God!  We are so thankful for your prayers and positive thoughts.

2.  I don't have ANY doctors appointments this week! How crazy is that!?!

3.  I passed my glucose test! What, WHAT! Somebody pass the pumpkin pie!

4.  The generosity of our friends, family and co-workers through the showers and through donations of clothes, diapers, things for the nursery, and everything else these babies could need! It has truly humbled us to think how many people love these triplets already!

5.  I get 5 days off from school for some much needed cleaning, nesting and rest.

6.  I am still cooking 3 little babies!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! We love you all!
Week 26 and counting!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 23: Measuring, Pictures, and Steroids...OH MY!

Welp. Here we are in week 23 of life for the babes!  SO crazy to think that these little beings have taken up residence in my body for  close to 6 months (this Sunday) now!  Well, they are certainly making themselves right at home.  'Don't mind us as we do flips and karate kick each other (and you and your insides)'!!!!  It's really an indescribable feeling having these lives inside of you...and the whole thing becomes even more real and FREAKY  and awe inspiring!  Every momma who has carried there child knows what I'm talkin' bout!

SO anyways...

We went back this week for the whole scan and check and measurements thing... which let me tell you, takes FOREVER! You lay there for about 2 hours, while they are measured (or try to be measured, because they are more interested in showing off their flying aerial circus skills at the time), aching and sweating (AC is not a thing in the back rooms), and seeing your babies, and hoping beyond hope that everything is consistent and not a problem.

Drumroll please....

Baby Girl A is measuring at 1 lb 3oz
Baby Boy B is measuring at 1lb 1 oz
Baby Boy C is measuring at 1lb 5 oz

Dr. Dhillon still says twin to twin transfusion is not present yet in the boys (YAY), and that all babies are measuring at what they should be.  Our boy B is about a week behind in growth, but she says she feels ok with it as long as he keeps progressing and growing and doesn't lag anymore behind.  Baby B is still dealing with Intermittent AEDF, but it has not moved into a persistent condition (YAY). I also started my first dose of steroids last night.  I will have one more round in a couple weeks as well, just in case they decide to come earlier than needed, their lung function will be much better than babies who are "unprepared" for pre-term birth!

-Beginnings of community here in VA (talking 'bout work and outside of my awesome built in family through Travis)
-My mom and grandma are coming up for my shower this weekend!!!
-They are all growing!
-My cervix is still beautiful :)

Prayers Please!
-Continue to pray for our boy B and his blood flow and growth
-I have "a lot of baby" in me - so symptoms I should have later in pregnancy I'm starting to have now (swollen feet, fatigue, etc)
-Baby girl still has a "bright" spot on her heart, just continue to pray it is nothing!

 (I had no idea they could roughly 3D them for us! It was the best surprise!!!)

She didn't want to be cooperative!
All that stuff in front is just them with their faces snuggled up to the placenta.

Little nose, lips, chin and cheeks!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Today's Doctor Visit

I'm tired (what's new?) so this will be a quick update!

Travis and I went to see Dr. Dhillon to see what was up with our Baby Boy B.  They were suspecting twin to twin transfusion, but in fact Dr. Dhillon found that the amniotic fluid was great, and that both twins have comparable stomachs and bladders. Dr. Dhillon told us that our boys do not have twin to twin transfusion! WOOHOO!!!! Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts.  We still need them though!!!

This is what Dr. D found...

Baby boy B has something called Intermittent AEDF (absent end diastolic flow).  This basically means that every 7-8 heart beats the blood flow from the placenta doesn't reach his heart.  This is a condition that can resolve itself pray for that!  We will be going in every week now for him to be monitored, because if his condition turns into Persistent AEDF then other steps will have to be taken (surgery, etc.) otherwise he can develop selective growth restriction.  Selective growth restriction is basically he would stop growing.  

SO with all that being said, continue to pray for us and especially or boy Baby B.  Love you all!

Nikki + 3 OUT (sleepy time!!!)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 21 Update: Prayers Please!

Week 21...WOW what a busy week!  2 doctor appointments, 2 soccer game duties at good ol' school, a pile of paperwork and a Hokie football game...all with three babies in tow!  (I imagine it's way easier to carry them how I'm carrying them now, than when they make their final escape and are running wild and free in this world!)
 I just can't believe 5 months has gone by like that.  The weird time paradigm that makes children grow up so quickly must already be in effect.

Wild was the word used to describe our twin boys this week at Dr. Dhillon's office!  She said, "Oh Ms. Dye, you are going to have some WILD boys."  They are quite the wigglers in there.  It really feels like a three ring circus for parts of the day. All their moving and shaking makes it all that much more real and terrifying exciting!  Beyond their wiggling there was an all over good report on Thursday.  Baby Girl A (AKA Miss Piggy) is weighing in at 14oz., Baby Boy B is 12oz., and Baby C is 13 oz.  They said that their weight was normal and on track.  The ultrasound tech found something she mentioned to Dr. D that day, but then it wasn't picked up again (more on this part of the update and how you can pray in  a moment).  I left Thursday happy as a clam (weird American saying)!

Then the next day I went to my OBGYN and another good report with measurements blood pressure and all the other junk they test.  I was told that I was a poster child for a healthy pregnancy (sounds weird right?) and to keep on keepin' on.

SCREEEECH.  Put on the brakes!  While I was at the OBGYN I got a call from Dr. Dhillon's office. ( Never a good feeling getting a call from a doctor you just saw and scheduled an appointment in 2 weeks for.)  Now those of you who have been following our journey you know that there was a need to watch for Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome which can occur in the type of twins we have (they share a blood supply) She expressed concern for Baby Boy B.  She said that she had been reviewing my case and the pictures that the tech took (first of all AWESOME care, feelin' the Dr. D love)  and she has some concerns.  She noticed that Baby Boy B's stomach was a little smaller and that they were noticing some pictures that might indicate an issue with his cord.


Number 1:  I have to go back Monday to allow them to poke and prod Baby Boy B some more.

Number 2: I need your prayers and best wishes for Baby Boy B, that everything is ok and that they don't see anything wrong!  Pray for his blood supply and nutrition!

Number 3:  Pray that we take any news given on Monday in stride and with the outlook of trust and hope.

Number 4: Pray that my good health continues.

Thanks for your continued support and love for us and these WILD boys and sweet little girl!

Now for the best part...


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Gender Reveal!!!! and Update from Week 17


There you have it folks! We have two identically mustachioed boys and a little girl!  We are extremely excited with the mixed bag we've been dealt. We knocked out all our options in one foul swoop. How's that for efficiency?! So I promise our children aren't just little balls...the best the tech could do at this point to get them all in one frame was take a picture of their cute little bellies!  And let me tell you, the growth has just been crazy to watch (and feel *ouch).

Onto the update from our perinatologist (which by the way is always marked as spelled wrong...even the Google machine can't understand this heinous word)...I went in last week (side note: I have been the worst blogger and here are my excuses: school has started...that is all) there were no tears shed in the first 15 minutes, which if you haven't heard it's been one thing after another on the business side of things previously.  So I was feeling good! Life was good!  In the first 2 minutes of the ultrasound the awesome tech told me the genders (eep! only a couple happy tears shed) and then she proceeded to measure and roll around in the goo on my belly (well she didn't, she rolled the ultrasound wand thingy around, geez).  This took over an hour... AN HOUR! But I can honestly say the cramp in my back and the lack of comfort was made up for seeing these babies and hearing  her say over and over again that they looked great.  Here's some snapshots!

Our Baby Girl A
Predator Baby Boy B
Spine from Baby Boy C

After she took all these great pictures and measured them and fought with the boys so that they would quit trying to move away from her and cover their faces...obstinate already....  Dr. Dhillon came in to talk things over.

She said that everything looked great.  That the boys only weighing a tiny bit behind their sister and that the fluid levels were good, was a great sign that Twin to Twin Transfusion (their worry) was not happening right now! So praise God, thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts, keep them coming! They will be monitored every two weeks. 

 She also said that there are no signs thus far of pre-term labor starting, everything looks good in that regard as well. I was told I can't  shouldn't lift anything heavier than a gallon of response in my head was, 'well at least I can pour myself a bowl of cereal...oooh I want cereal'.

The only slightly concerning take away from this appointment was that they saw a "bright spot" on Baby Girl's heart.  10 years ago this was a huge indicator of a heart defect or Down's Syndrome...research has continued and Dr's are starting to see that without an age correlation from the mom (me) there is significantly less risk, and that these bright spots either go away or wind up being nothing.  Dr. Dhillon looked me in the eyes and said that after looking over Baby Girl she can't tell me for 100% certainty that it won't turn out to be anything (of course), but she feels strongly that it is nothing to worry about.  Please pray with us that this is true!  

Dr. Dhillon also said that the initial goal for me to keep the kids cooking is 28 weeks, then if I make that they will bump it to 30, then she said anything after 30 is just lagniappe (New Orleanian/Louisianan for bonus).  Pray with us again that I can keep them in as long as possible to give them the best chance we can!

Well that's about all I have this time, sorry for the long update...but had a bunch of info!  These babies are so loved already and we are so thankful to you!

Baby Boy C says BYE!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Update in Week 11: How to Pray for the Trips

Baby A, B and C in all their glory
It's been a busy week!  Gearing up for school, Travis got a new job with CarMax (yay stability and benefits!), and had two appointments with two different doctors!

We saw Dr. Dhillon the paleontologist  perinatologist on Monday.   This was the doctor that no one would tell me why I  needed to see her other than the very helpful answer of, "You're having triplets".  I soon found out why they wanted to see me so quickly.  Radiology had sent over my report that the "twins" as we so lovingly refer to them (the babies in the same side) were being reported as something called mono/mono which means that they were sharing a sack and sharing a blood supply.  This is an EXTREMELY rare and dangerous thing, so they wanted to either confirm or deny this right away.  Dr. Dhillon was able to confirm that they are not together in one sack and will therefore not have to battle it out in my womb. PHEW.

BUT, the "twins" are something called mono/di which means they have one blood supply and two sacks.  This makes my already high risk pregnancy a little higher risk.  As my OB so eloquently put it, "There's high risk and then there's you." Awesome my own category!

But anyway, I digress, the issue that could come up with our little mono/di (dye heehee) "twins" is that they can develop something called twin to twin transfusion syndrome.  If you must put it in the Google machine go here instead, good info, not so scary or infinitely crazy as a Google search.  The kids don't have this yet, it's just something that can happen and cause issues for the babies because they are sharing a blood supply.  In fact, as Dr. Dhillon was telling me all of this and I was tearing up she said, "Oh no, your babies don't have this, and I'm not saying they will, they are all beautiful right now and right on schedule, we just need to monitor."

The second appointment was fairly uneventful. They finally gave me a due date of March 7th. Waiting on a due date was like waiting on a 4 year old to solve a Rubix cube I swear, so many factors and people all saying different things...sheesh! They took all my blood, told me I was a high risk pregnancy...again... and sent me packing with a follow up slip for the end of the month in tow.

So with all that said we are asking for your prayers and happy thoughts!
Pray that:

  • the twins don't develop twin to twin transfusion syndrome
  • Give the doctor's discernment in diagnosis and treatment if the need arises
  • that we have a continued attitude of "we'll cross that bridge once we get to it"
  • that the Great Insurance Saga of 2015 is over
  • that my sickness continues to get better before school starts (Sept. 7)

Hard to tell because of the picture, but the triplets are trying to show
The Dr's say that my belly will probably measure 2-3 weeks ahead of a normal pregnancy

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Me, Myself and Leslie Knope

Those that know me, know I have a serious obsession with all things Parks and Rec.  For those of you that haven't watched Parks and Rec...I'm sorry and you should rectify that promptly.  Anywho, Leslie Knope is the main character and she and I share much more than I ever thought. It has become so apparent that I wanted to share my top five reasons why Leslie Knope and I are the same person have many things in common.

1.  We are both having spontaneous, natural triplets.
The episode that she learns this in is aptly called 1 in 8,000 (the odds in which this crazy little phenomenon happens) and her outlook was a little more positive than mine. Mine was more of a "holy crap" moment, BUT I mean I'm excited now.

2. We are efficient in both baby making and life.

She runs the parks department in Pawnee, I run English as a Second Language Programs and by god we do it with pizazz, a passion and efficiency if I do say so myself!  And hey, I don't know about her, but I got all of my offspring checked off the list in one swoop.

3.  Our facial expressions are killer.

Just watch us sometime. Nuff said.

4.  We both have an obscene love for all breakfast foods (especially waffles).
It's so good. Especially the syrup. Just give me the syrup. I have a problem.

5.  Miniature horses are easily our favorite animals.
Little Sebastian was loved and cherished by Leslie.  All other mini-horses are loved and cherished by yours truly.
(I've also realized I have no pictures of myself and a mini-horse...problem)

Thanks for reading my silly post, an update on the latest Dr's visit(s) is coming this weekend! 
*Also sorry for the formatting issues...I'm hoping you still get the gist**

Saturday, August 8, 2015

All the Feels

Emotionally I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride.

I assume a lot of it is crazy pregnant lady syndrome hormones but some of it goes deeper than that.

With unplanned pregnancy I am guessing lots of women feel this way. This way meaning:

  • Guilty
  • Stressed
  • Inadequate
  • Sad
  • Out of Control
These feelings make you inadequate to be a good mother right?  You feel all of these negative emotions about these gifts you've been given.  People keep saying they are excited and happy and they run the gamut of happy human emotion, so why am I not allowing myself to totally jump into this joy?  I want to. I just haven't been letting myself.

I haven't been letting my inner self experience these happy emotions because I know what my body has done is going to cause extreme change, stress, and even hardship on myself and my husband.  Because this wasn't the plan. Because I don't know if I can be trusted to handle three lives and guide and steer their paths towards their Creator. 

BUT before you click the back button and leave this blog because things just got real weird  ...wait.

After allowing myself to feel these emotions and think and pray and talk, I look back at the list of the feels I am feeling and realize that these things though negative are refining me, shaping me.  This is where I am at the moment and that's ok, because I know that my God is with me in all things and that He has a plan for redemption.  These feelings are real, but He is too and I am already experiencing that redemptive love.  God has called me loved, and I will walk accordingly.

My husband said something the other day during a breakdown cry session (which he is so patient in btw). He said, "Well I'm happy, why wouldn't I be happy? You're bringing me children. Sure it might be hard but it will be a blessing eventually."  And he's right.  We are going to patiently wait on the Lord and the blessing that these three beings will bring.

AND when I truly stop and breathe and think  and put my worry to rest the feelings I get are:
  • Loved and supported by my husband
  • Loved and supported by our village
  • Loved and supported by my God
...and that's a pretty good place to be.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I'll Just Leave That Right Here...

Sooooo... I'm going to start with the things I know.

I'm Nikki.

I'm married to an awesome guy.

We weren't exactly trying to have a baby.

We weren't exactly trying to have TRIPLETS.

But we are.
Yup, your eyes don't deceive you. That's baby A, B and C happily floating inside me. Just taking up residence in there like "Hey no big deal, just redecorating!" AND that's also "A MESS OF BABIES" typed right on the ultrasound, because that's what I poetically exclaimed during the 3D ultrasound. But I'll stop showing you how weird I am rambling and tell you what has unfolded in life for us in the past 5 weeks.

So by trade I'm not just fertile myrtle, I'm a teacher which means I have my summers free, WHICH MEANS I went and worked 2 weeks of summer camp.  My husband of course has a job that doesn't let you skip for summer fun, so off I went to MO for camp.

Long story short I had some definite awful things  symptoms going on, got a pregnancy test and the moment I peed on that thing the little blue cross lit up like a Christmas tree (and all subsequent tests, it's like a law you can't take just one). I of course freaked out stayed calm, waited until I got home from camp and surprised my husband with the news.  He was excited and happy and supportive and calmed all my fears and yah he rocks.

SO THEN fast forward through another week of camp in Wyoming (puking the whole time) and then my first appointment...

Thank goodness my husband was able to be there.  The doctor came in, started the exam, so much normalcy...until she said the words, "Just what I thought... TWINS! Your levels were so high I expected multiples, you weren't on fertility drugs and this was spontaneous, right?" Just as I was about to answer her 'yes', she said those fateful words..

Wait, there's more

That's when she discovered our third. We went from one child, to two, to three in about 5 seconds.
Thinking back, it still gives my heart that nervous, sick, through the floor feeling.  My bonus father in law once told us that there are few true surprises in life, and we truly experienced one.

Those moments were surreal and precious and scary and beautiful and jaw dropping and again I'll stop rambling.

I don't think we've even quite understood yet this amazing journey we have been thrown topsy-turvy into, but I do know that the Lord is good and works all things to the good of those who love Him, that these triplets and I couldn't have a better man in our lives to love us, and it is seriously going to take a village (like the entire thing). But I like our village, and I'm pretty sure our village likes us.

We had another ultrasound that day with the 3D people, who were total sweethearts, and we saw all of their little hearts pumping, and spines developing and what a wow moment. We found out two were probably going to be identical. And the reality moments of how are we going to do this financially, physically, mentally.  But beyond that worry we have a Hope and we have each other and now we have three little wiggly beings that should be here sometime around March 2016.

Welcome to our journey, I have a feeling it's going to be a wild ride!